Taurus Career & Financial Prediction 2019 January 2019 January Taurus Career Horoscope FOR EMPOLYED PEOPLES: Job search/Job promotions: Excellent levels of opportunities during the entire month of January 2019 Career Stability/Performances & Task Completion : Good & stable levels of career stability & performances for the remaining month. Returns on investments: Good profits (or) good returns on investments for the entire month of January 2019. Labour Management: Ability to manage workforce (or) stronger ties with the labourers during the entire month of January 2019 Colleagues Relationships: Weak & fluctuating ties with the colleagues during the entire month of January 2019 Employer/Senior Relationships: Ties remain cordial, stronger & stable during the entire month. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FOR BUSINESS PEOPLES: Sales & Marketing: Excellent le...