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2014 Sani Peyarchi Palangal for the Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives: The Sani would be in the 7th position for Rishaba Rasi (Taurus sign) natives for the next 2 1/2 Years. What does it mean to the Rishaba Rasi (Taurus sign) natives? Let us find out the probable results for the Rishaba Rasi (Taurus sign) natives for the next 2 1/2 Years. Before that let us find out the reason for Sani assuming important role in the Astrology. Importance of Sani: Among all the 9 planets, the Sani moves very slowly taking nearly 2 ½ Years to cross a single Zodiac sign. If the position of the Sani is favourable and gets stronger strength, then the 2 ½ year’s period remain comfortable. But on the other hand, if the Sani remains in a malefic house and gets poor strength, then it will make the natives's life treacherous for the entire 2 ½ Years period. That is, the longer transit period of the Sani is the main reason that the people look upon the Sani with greater fear. The Sani could test


2013 Sani Peyarchi Palangal for Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign): The Shani comes out of its retrograde position on May 7 th , 2013. For the Rishaba Rasi peoples, the Shani owns the 9 th   and 10 th   houses. The 9 th   house is considered to be highly  beneficial  and 10 th   house is considered to be a neutral house. The Shani is placed in the Thula rasi, which happens to be the 6 th   house for the Rishaba rasi. Both the Rishaba and Thula Rasi’s are owned by the Sukra.  Both the Shani and the Sukra treats each other as their friends.  The Shani gets exalted in the Thula Rasi. But the Thula Rasi happens to be the most malefic 6 th   house for the Rishaba Rasi. Thus the Shani would deliver mixed results out of its Shani Peyarchi for the Rishaba rasi natives during the year 2013. Let us analyze the effects of Sani Peyarchi on the Mesha Rasi peoples in the Year 2013. May 7 th   to September 13 th   (2013): The Rishaba Rasi natives would enjoy happier moments