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2024 July Taurus Financial Astrology:

Rishaba Rasi Phalalu 2024 August
2024 August Rishaba Rasi Palan

For Salaried Peoples:

Job searches, Job promotions & Project implementations: Delays are possible from 1st to 27th August 2024. Faster feedbacks are possible from 28th to 31st August 2024.

Work Efficiency: Mixed efficiency is possible during the entire month of August 2024.

Income from Investments: Good returns are possible during the entire month of August 2024. Setbacks are possible from 7th to 21st August 2024.

For Business Peoples:

Sales & Marketing: Delays & fluctuating sales are possible from 1st to 27th August 2024. Faster feedbacks & improved sales are possible from 28th to 31st August 2024.

Productivity: Delays affecting the productivity is possible during the entire month of August 2024.

Payment collections: Good payment collections are possible during the entire month of August 2024. Setbacks are possible from 7th to 21st August 2024.


Expenses, Repayments & managing financial commitments: Delay in managing the expenses & the financial commitments for the entire month of August 2024. Unexpected expenses are possible from 7th to 21st August 2024. Wasteful expenses are possible from 16th to 30th August 2024.

Borrowings & Debt management: Delays in borrowings are likely from 1st to 24th August 2024. Borrowings are possible from 25th to 31st August 2024.

Assets, Stocks & Commodity: Asset values will remain moderately stable during the entire month of August 2024.

Financial savings/strength: There would be financial stability from 1st to 21st August 2024; and financial instability from 22nd to 31st August 2024; and financial stagnation from 17th to 21st August 2024.


How to read the above results? 

In everybody's life. one's own horoscope is highly important. We need to understand thet there are two important factors in everybody's life @ destiny & time. Let us find out the method to predict, what is going on in our present life? and what will happen in the future life? 

1. Destiny. Here Destiny carries 50% weightage in our life. 

2. Time. By analyzing the Mahadasa, Antardasa and Pratyantardasa period through the natal horoscope, one can easily understand the how a native's life is progressing under the specific time period. Time (as per the individual's horoscope) carries 30% weightage in our life. 

3. The predictions that are based on the current Planet's transit periods. Generalized predictions that are based on current transit period of every planet for every Rasi's (Zodiac Sign) will have an impact of 20% in our life. 

Suppose, if a native wants to raise to a level of a CEO in a company, either the native should have strong parameters in his/her horoscope to achieve the desires easily (or) the native should be passing through the highly favorable (Mahadasa/Antardasa period) time, which will aid him/her to become a "CEO" during a specified period of time.  

Example 1: If a person possess the strong destiny but an unfavoarble Mahadasa & Antardasa period, it will delay the process of becoming a CEO. Here, even if the predictions that are based on daily/monthly/yearly predictions are favorable, it will not be very helpful in becoming the CEO. It is sure to delay the process. 

Example 2: If a person possess the strong destiny and a favorable Mahadasa & Antardasa periods will be able to achieve evrything in the life. Here, his/her growth will not be hampered due to the unfavorable daily/monthly/yearly predictions @ the native having good destiny and goes through favorable Dasa period need not worry about the unfavorable results are predicted in the day/monthly/yearly predictions. 

Example 3: If a person possess the weak destiny but a favorable Mahadasa & Antardasa period will be able to achieve the dream of becoming a CEO in an unexpected manner. Here the desires are easy to achieve, if the daily/monthly/yearly predictions are also favorable. The desires would be delayed to certain time period, if the daily/monthly/yearly predictions are not favorable. 

Example 4: If a person possess weak destiny and an unfavorable Mahadasa & Antardasa periods will not be able to achieve the desires, even if the daily/monthly/yearly predictions are highly favorable. 

My Opinion: My monthly predictions that are given above should be read along with the predictions based on the individual's natal charts. Reading the above prediction results in isolation may not reflect the exact situation in your life. 


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தமிழ் ஜோதிடம்


ARIES - MESHA RASI   Taurus - Rishaba Rasi Palan   Gemini - Mithuna Rasi    Cancer - Kataka Rasi   Leo - Simha Rasi   Virgo - Kanni Rasi     Libra - Thula Rasi     Scorpio - Viruchika Rasi    Sagittarius - Dhanusu Rasi    Capricorn - Makara Rasi   Aquarius - Kumbha Rasi   Pisces - Meena Rasi


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