2022 March Taurus Financial Astrology Vrishaba Rasi Phalalu 2022 March Job searches, Job promotions & Project implementations: Increase in opportunities & good progress during the entire month of March 2022. Work Attendance, Work efficiency & Productivity: Mixed efficiency (or) delays in completing the tasks; and mixed production levels during the entire month of March 2022. Difficult work environment from 25 th to 31 st March 2022. Sales & Marketing : Increased sales & good responses in marketing during the entire month of March 2022. Payment Collections & Profits on Investments: Fluctuating profits & delays in payment collections from 1 st to 8 th March 2022. Stable profits & ability to collect payments from 9 th to 31 st March 2022. Delays in payment collections (or) stagnation on income related issues from 1 st to 10 th March 2022. Borrowings & Debt Holdings: Fluctuating debts (or) delays in borrowings from 1 st to 17 th Marc...